Our open-source research initiative

The Thousand Brains Project is developing a foundational framework for the future of artificial intelligence, inspired by the structure and function of the neocortex. By releasing all of our software and ongoing research as open source under the MIT license, we enable anyone to freely use, modify, and build upon this work—whether for research, education, or commercial purposes.

The first implementation of this project “Monty”, in reference to Vernon Mountcastle, who proposed the columnar organization of the mammalian neocortex, is one specific instantiation of the Thousand Brains Theory. In the future, there may be other implementations.

The ultimate aim is to enable developers to build AI applications that are more intelligent, more flexible, and more capable than those built using traditional deep learning methods. Monty is our first step towards this goal and represents an open-source, sensorimotor learning framework.

About the community

Our community is an eclectic collection of researchers, developers, scientists and hobbyists interested in building biologically-inspired intelligent systems based on the Thousand Brains Theory. To get involved, join our Discourse.

We are also looking for closer collaboration opportunities with other research labs or application teams. If you are interested, please send us an email at info@thousandbrains.org.

Join Our Discourse Forum to Get Involved

This is the best place to ask questions, search for answers, or just interact with others working on similar problems. We aim to be a welcoming community and hope you’ll join us! 

Meetups, Hackathons, & Other Live Events

We hold community events like meetups, hackathons, and workshops throughout the year. All our live events are scheduled via Meetup, which are free and open to anyone. 

Get Started with Our Documentation

If you’re new to the project, a great place to start is by reading our documentation, which covers every aspect of this project in detail, including how to get involved and contribute.

Why Contribute?

Download this two-pager to learn more about the Thousand Brains Project and why you should contribute.